Thursday, January 19, 2006

Coast to Coast Multi-Site Conference | May 8-9 | Charleston, SC ~

This is an ad for the ~ Coast to Coast Multi-Site Conference | May 8-9 | Charleston, SC ~ but Marshall Shelley's video is cool. Check it out.

Doing Church at the Metro Stops -

Here's an article from the Leadership Networks upcoming mulitsite book!Doing Church at the Metro Stops -

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Churches merge apart in multicampus solution

Kansas City Star reports two Churches merge apart in multicampus solution. Merging apart is even more unusual than multi-site.

What is gained by this merger? What is lost? Is multi-site the way to maximize the gains and minimize the losses? Probably.

Will people from the "big church" go to the "little one"? Will people from the "little one" feel like they have been victims of a hostile take-over?

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Christian Pragmatism 101: How To Grow Your Church

Christian Pragmatism 101: How To Grow Your Church