Coast to Coast Multi-Site Conference | May 8-9 | Charleston, SC ~
This is an ad for the ~ Coast to Coast Multi-Site Conference | May 8-9 | Charleston, SC ~ but Marshall Shelley's video is cool. Check it out.
New Life church is becoming Multi-site. We are intentionally meeting in several places throughout our city, and someday, throughout the Northwest. I am doing my D.Min. project on churches that meet in multiple locations.
This is an ad for the ~ Coast to Coast Multi-Site Conference | May 8-9 | Charleston, SC ~ but Marshall Shelley's video is cool. Check it out.
Here's an article from the Leadership Networks upcoming mulitsite book!Doing Church at the Metro Stops -
Kansas City Star reports two Churches merge apart in multicampus solution. Merging apart is even more unusual than multi-site.